Stay Warm With 10% OFF Blankets & Comforters Plus Free Shipping From

1:56 am   -   September 28th, 2010 wants to help you stay warm this winter with 10% Off Blankets and Comforters and FREE Shipping! This offer is good until the end of October.

Blankets and Comforters are part of the basics of bedding. At ScheuerLinens we look for the very best and test it all to make sure it meets our high standards for quality and value. If you are not sure what is best for your needs-no problem, we can help. Our advice and recommendations are based on our personal experience. At, we know the importance of knowledgeable and personalized customer service.

Get in on the savings while getting the finest most luxurious blankets and comforters. For the entire month of October, ScheuerLinens is offering 10% off our blankets and comforters plus FREE shipping. So stay warm and cozy this winter with this great offer from!

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