EverydayOutfitters has 2 Great Fall Deals!
Casual Friday? At EverydayOutfitters.com we are not concerned with Casual Friday, we are concerned with being casual and comfortable every day! EverydayOutfitters is offering two fantastic deals for the month of October.
First, get 15% OFF on our great boots. At EverydayOutfitters.com we carry Frye, Miz Mooz, Gee Wa Wa, Lucky Brand, and Joseph Griffin. We are extremely proud of our boot collection and are confident you will find the boots that are right for you. Use code: COUPON15, offer valid until October 31st.
Second, EverydayOutfitters is offering FREE Shipping on our Patagonia Down Sweaters for men and women. You will stay warm and cozy in any of our Patagonia Down Sweaters. And it is not too early to be thinking of holiday gifts or holiday trips (such as someplace where you will need to keep the cold out). Use code: EOFREE, offer valid until October 31st.
If you are not in the market for boots or warm sweaters, check out EverydayOutfitters.com hat selections. We carry Nobis and Pistil Designs and if we say so ourselves, they are super cute. Also, EverydayOutfitters is pleased (and you will be too) to introduce BB Dakota, Odd Molly, Olive & Orange by Orla Kiely. EverydayOutfitters.com is confident you will find everything you need to keep yourself casual and comfortable every day (just like we do)!
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