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Find Legal Forms Has New Lower Pricing & Is Signing Up Affiliates NOW!
While many affiliates have been dropped from other legal-related advertiser programs, is actively recruiting new affiliates. Actually, we are waiting to review YOUR application.
As you may know, brings a comprehensive library of attorney-prepared legal forms to customers’ fingertips, without expensive attorney fees. In fact, offers quick and easy access to over 15,000 easy-to-use forms and documents. And since every form is prepared and updated by attorneys to reflect individual state laws, customers can protect their rights AND save time and money. All our forms and documents come with a 100% money-back guarantee.
With the recent price reductions at, now is the perfect time for you to join as an affiliate with—and find yourself making top commissions every time the customers you refer find the right legal form online.
Affiliate Program Details:
* Earn Up to 20% Affiliate Payout
* $11 Average Order Size
* 3.1% Conversion Rate
* Keyword Policies: Affiliates may not bid on tradenames (or misspellings). Affiliates may not bid on phrases which include tradenames (or misspellings). Affiliates may NOT use the destination URL in the advertising links. Affiliates may use the tradenames in ads.
To join the affiliate program, sign up at Commission Junction.
Affiliate Program Management by eAccountableOPM