Back to School Special from CanvasOnDemand!

2:34 am   -   September 2nd, 2010

It’s back to school time and is offering $20 off any purchase of $100 or more! Whether you want to capture your child’s first day of school or help decorate a college dorm room, can take that special photo and turn it into a piece of art on canvas. Or you can just take advantage of saving $20 now with our back to school special.

During the month of September, is offering $20 OFF any purchase of $100 or more! Use Coupon Code: CODGAN0910.

Now is the perfect time to take a much loved photo and transform it into a wonderful work of art on canvas. Our digital effect gives the delicate strokes on an artist’s brush and gives the look and feel on an oil painting. can restore, alter, or colorize any of your favorite photos. Don’t be concerned if you need help, our customer service representatives are here to help by telephone or Internet.

Affiliate Program Details

* Affiliate Payout: 10%
* Average Sale is over $175
* Conversion Rate of 5.71%
* Cookie Duration 60 Days
* CanvasOnDemand ships internationally!
* Coupons Available
* $20 OFF $100 or More!- Coupon Code: CODGAN0910
* Effective Immediately, has initiated a zero tolerance keyword/trademark + term bidding policy.  Any violations will result in voided sales.  Protected Keywords: Affiliates may not purchase or register search engine keywords, AdWords, search terms or other identifying terms and domain names that include the phrase “Canvas On Demand” or other trademarks of Canvas On Demand (including canvasondemand,, canvas on demand or any misspellings of the keywords or the domain names attributable to for use in any search engine, portal, sponsored advertising service or other search or referral service. is available at Google Affiliate Network.

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